It features legends of raps and underground stars raring to blow - we get hunger and stardom as the album keeps familiar themes of the movie close to it by talking on the struggle of the lives lived in rough areas and poverty. The movie is better than the soundtrack, but the soundtrack is still good. Em still manages to give us some moments to remember, and overall this is an enjoyable collaboration album to me, not every song hits but there's some really good songs. His flow on this track is so stuttery, the opposite of smooth and it's just genuinely uninteresting for 5 whole minutes with some poor lyrics. Eminem though had a mixed performance on here, whether he be making amazing songs like 'Guts Over Fear' or 'Fine Line' or the boring intro 'Shady XV' or the awful 'Right for Me', and by awful I mean only 'Big Weenie' is a worse Eminem song. The highs on this album are high, there's only one real low despite a few other mid moments and I managed to get enjoyment from a large chunk of these tracks. The talent on display here is fantastic, all rappers are highly skilled and Skylar Grey is a fantastic vocalist, and her song 'Twisted' is one of my favourites here with a great piano beat, lovely, gentle Eminem vocals and a solid Yelawolf verse. The production on this album is something people dislike but I tend to think it's fine, obviously with so many different acts you'll need different styles for everyone but some are great beats and nothing's offensively bad.

To celebrate 15 years, Shady Records released a double album, and I'll only be reviewing the first 12 songs as they're new, while the back end of the album is a greatest hits section (some great selections in that by the way).

I think the remixes at the end are quite good, as are a handful of songs but the length of it and the moments I switch off for probably leave me feeling neither hot or cold about this one. Overall, it's easy to sum this up - some songs hit, some are bad, some are quite mediocre. They all talk about the same thing of being the best rappers, killing other MC's and their street life, and this can get very tiring coming from multiple voices who all mesh into one with similar, uneventful flows and generic deliveries. It's no lie they're all skilled in their own way, but beyond the big names like Eminem and 50 Cent - no one consistently makes a splash on here, and it makes sense why they're the ones not to blow. Eminem's return and final project he was apart of before his hiatus is an inconsistent mess - in every fashion, from the production which is either very strong or quite bland, to the array of rappers on Shady Records who range from entertaining lyricists to forgettable rappers who can't seem to leave an impact.